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From Pievina and return to the Cause Asciano

Track length: 20,2 km
Road bed type: Misto sterrato/creta
Difficulty: Medio-alta
Safari 12 - Path rather long, difficult to make aa foot but suitable by bicycle, motorcycle or car. In fact the path, albeit on a dirt road in part, is based on farm roads well maintained and practicable.
It begins with the drive along the dirt road from Pievina, starting point, leads to Badia Rofeno, a former monastery now abandoned.
From here you take the paved road to Monteroni d'Arbia. This stretch of road just attended, reserving the landscapes unique coming, beyond the Farm of the bell, suddenly full of twisty bends to the location of the Cause, a name derived from the gully crossed by the road bridge.
Shortly after on the right, is a derivation that leads downhill to San Martino in Grania. From here begins again the dirt path perhaps more interesting from the point of view photo. arrived in San Martino, you can stop to photograph the remains of the small Romanesque church, now almost totally ruined and satiate his eyes up to see Siena in the background.
From here it starts to get in the way of Loreto direction Asciano that involves the possibility of stopping in various places, present between the Vescona Fontanelle and Pievina, made precisely to allow safe carrying of shots copyright.
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